€ 19,95
"Boar Wants to Be Clean" teaches your child about the importance of clean water and sanitation and provides concrete actions to be aware of it and already take action on it yourself. It is our fourth booklet in a series of seventeen books based on the Sustainable Development Goals. We are not releasing them in order, because each topic is equally important. We want our books to encourage your child to develop an action-oriented mindset that can enrich both your own life and that of the earth we live on.
Boar and Buck compete to be the cleanest. They go to great lengths to ruin each other's reflection in the river, but in doing so, they fail to see the damage they are doing. Will they manage to get the water clean again and save their old tree? Find out for yourself!
In addition to a beautifully illustrated story, this activity book contains games, conversation starters, facts and actions your child can already take to make their own commitment to clean water and sanitation. But also together, both in the classroom and at home.
It is an A4 hardcover format and has 32 inside pages.
How was the booklet made?
This book was made from surplus paper and printed with vegetable-based inks. We also deliberately chose an A4 size, as this is a standard size where no extra paper is wasted.
Onze boeken zijn ook fysiek beschikbaar bij Pardoes (Ontvoeringsplein 12, 2800 Mechelen).