€ 19,95
"Butterflies' Courage Gives Glow" teaches your child what sustainable energy is and reaches out with concrete actions to be aware of it and to already act on it yourself. It is our third book in a series of seventeen, based on the Sustainable Development Goals. We want to give your child an opportunity to become a real do-gooder!
"Butterfly is in love. Every night she flutters to the lake to see her beautiful Firefly. But Butterfly gives no light, so how will Firefly ever notice her? She looks for all kinds of ways to make light. Do you think Butterfly will succeed?"
In addition to a beautifully illustrated story, this activity book contains games, conversation starters, facts and actions your child can already take to engage in sustainable energy themselves but also together, both in the classroom and at home.
It is an A4 hardcover format and has 32 inside pages.
How was the booklet made?
This book was made from surplus paper and printed with vegetable-based inks. We also deliberately chose an A4 size, as this is a standard size where no extra paper is wasted.
Onze boeken zijn ook fysiek beschikbaar bij Pardoes (Ontvoeringsplein 12, 2800 Mechelen).