€ 19,95
"Troll Wants Fun Again" teaches your child exactly what being healthy means and provides concrete actions to take good health and well-being into their own hands. It is our second released booklet in a series of seventeen books based on the Sustainable Development Goals. With it, we want to give your child an opportunity to become a real world advocate!
"Every day Monkey swings through the vines in the forest, because that's what makes Monkey happy. Until Troll puts a stop to that. And Troll isn't happy at all, because Troll doesn't make fun. Will Monkey manage to change that?"
Dit doeboek bevat naast een prachtig geïllustreerd verhaal ook spelletjes, gespreksstarters, weetjes en acties die je kindjes zelf al kan ondernemen om een goede gezondheid en welzijn bij jezelf én bij anderen te bevorderen.
It is an A4 hardcover format and has 32 inside pages.
This book was made from surplus paper and printed with vegetable-based inks. We also deliberately chose an A4 size, as this is a standard size where no extra paper is wasted.
Onze boeken zijn ook fysiek beschikbaar bij Pardoes (Ontvoeringsplein 12, 2800 Mechelen).